This photo from the video I personally brought me closer to my emotions becasue it reminds me of how sometimes music is all people have. This image to me shows a man who is clenching onto what is to be assumed his guitar as if it is the only thing he has that is actually his. This image reminds me that for some music is the only thing they have to enjoy. While I, myself enjoy listing to music frequently and it is a way for me to take some time to myself and reflect on what is goin on in my life.

The man in the image looks sad as he clenches onto the guitar as if he is giving a hug to a loved one. It also appears the guitar is worn down and old, possibly a family heirloom or the man in the image has been using the same acoustic guitar for a long time and it might be all he has.

In my image there is me standing in front of a window looking into the distance. The image shows a building in the window giving the setting some sort of downtown. there is also trees and a cloudy sky outside. The image also has a black and white color scheme to it to make it feel more dramatic and important, leading the viewer/interpreter to wonder what the subject it looking at and or thinking about.

While creating this image I asked my roommate to take my phone as I looked out of the window, I wanted the image to symbolize now knowing what comes next in ones life. My roommate and I experimented with different angles and eventually decided that this one fit the goal of my vision the best. I added the black and white filter to the image hoping to make it seem more intense and dramatic and I feel that I did that goal.


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